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Kristofer le Sage de Fontenay


Solving client pain points with the power of digital

Tune in to find out how Capgemini is trying to alleviate pain points including legacy systems, data access and control, and talent acquisition.

Capgemini is an information technology services and consulting company which partners with businesses to develop innovation solutions. In this episode, Matthew Grant speaks to Kristofer le Sage de Fontenay, Insurance Leader at Capgemini, about the company’s investment in generative AI. Capgemini is focusing on helping clients solve their pain points through digital solutions, investing $2 billion USD in generative AI over the next three years and recruiting 30,000 new people with expertise in data and artificial intelligence. Tune in to find out how Capgemini is trying to alleviate pain points including legacy systems, data access and control, and talent acquisition.

Talking points include:

-Developing and investing in generative AI

-Consumer trust in generative AI

-The potential for advertising through AI

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