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Navigating the Digital Landscape Over the Next Decade – Fireside Chat with Tim Hardcastle

InsTech’s Robin Merttens spoke with INSTANDA’s CEO and Co-founder Tim Hardcastle on the company’s recent report and its findings.

 It’s about opening up a debate, getting some alignment around views, or not, and then trying to find a better way to think about some of the things that we need to do in insurance. And for me that’s the ultimate objective of this report, it’s to open up the discussion.

Tim Hardcastle, CEO of INSTANDA

This event explores the key findings of a new report by INSTANDA, titled “Navigating the Digital Insurance Landscape: A 10-Year View.” The report, compiled from the insights of 40 leading insurance industry figures, aims to spark discussion and debate around the future of the sector.

Key takeaways

  • Customer experience: Still a top priority.
  • The paradigm shift: Thinking like a retailer.
  • Generative AI: A force for change, but with limitations.
  • The report’s purpose: To spark conversation and drive progress.

You can download the full report from INSTANDA.

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