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InsTech Partners’ Podcast Live from QBE Ventures

Partners’ Chat Live at QBE Ventures – Guest host: Peta Kilian, UK Head of Strategy and Partnerships, QBE Ventures

We’re back with our occasional “Partner Chats”. Robin Merttens and Matthew Grant reflect on what is going on in the world of innovation and insurance. As usual, there are some things to celebrate, and some things to grumble about. We are the guests of QBE Ventures, the venture investment and development arm of QBE Insurance Group for this episode. Peta Kilian, UK Head of Strategy and Partnerships, joined us ready with a list of questions from her colleagues across QBE.

Talking points include:

-Does insurance need underwriters?

-What is algorithmic underwriting and does it really work?

-Sharing data between insurers and their partners – is there anything to celebrate in 2022?

-Energy transition and the move to reduce carbon emissions – what’s coming next?

-Cyber insurance – is now the time to get involved?

-And a lot more

To listen to the full podcast episode click here

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