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Location Intelligence

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April 1, 2021
Location Intelligence 2021 – the Companies to Watch
Our latest report, ‘Location Intelligence 2021 – the Companies to Watch: Where, what and how risky?’, offers a comprehensive look at the technology helping insurers identify and manage risk, plus profiles of more than 50 companies that are leading the way in the provision of location intelligence.
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February 22, 2021
Member Spotlight: Gamma Location Intelligence
Gamma Location Intelligence harnesses AI, data science and spatial analytics to produce solutions to geographical questions. Chief Commercial Officer Richard Garry talks to Simon about location intelligence innovation and how Gamma is helping insurers to reduce risk.  Simon: Can you start with some background ...
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December 4, 2020
Hitting the spot – getting location accuracy right
To provide the right insurance for homes and workplaces, insurers have to be sure of the exact location of the assets. But 500 years on from the creation of the UK’s Royal Mail, the challenge of knowing where something is and what surrounds it remains.&...
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November 13, 2020
The data supermarket and its master chefs
A shortage of data isn’t a problem in insurance but identifying sources that are high-quality can mean a lot of shopping around. WhenFresh is one company looking to speed up that process, through what Co-founder Mark Cunningham calls a ‘data supermarket’ of curated ...
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January 6, 2020
Geospatial Imagery and Aerial Insights – Ryan Kottenstette, Cape Analytics
Founded in 2014, Cape Analytics use AI and geospatial imagery to provide intelligence to insurers. To date, they have analysed 80% of the US population, in terms of physical property risk. The resulting data is being used by over 30 companies to help price and manage insurance policies ...
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December 9, 2019
Geospatial imagery and aerial insights
Ryan Kottenstette founded Cape Analytics in 2014 to help companies identify building characteristics based on aerial imagery. Five years on and Cape has analysed 80% of the US population, in terms of physical property risk, with the resulting data being used to help price and manage insurance ...
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November 8, 2018
US Property Data: Is this as good as it gets?
How a building is constructed, maintained and where it is located all have a massive impact on its potential to be damaged or destroyed. That knowledge is as old as insurance itself. So why do so many underwriters still suffer from lack of decent data ...
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October 18, 2018
US property data
Property insurance relies on good quality data about the characteristics of buildings, and the replacement costs after a loss.  Todd Rissel, CEO of e2Value was over in London, hosting a workshop with InsTech London and he spoke to Matthew Grant about the ...