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Creating new partnerships in the UK and beyond


A US-based MGA was looking to obtain capacity from the London Insurance Market. The company sells residential and commercial property insurance across North America, but it was looking to expand its capacity partners outside of just the US.

The MGA was also looking for new connections, both in the UK and the US. Its primary distribution channel is via brokers, so it was looking for introductions to different intermediaries. It was also looking to hire a new senior team member.


As part of InsTech membership, the Co-founder and CEO was interviewed as a live chat on a digital event. We worked closely with them to prepare for the digital event, helping to create an engaging story that would be of interest to potential capacity providers.

The digital event attracted over three hundred viewers, which was promoted on our channels, including our newsletter and LinkedIn.  After the digital event, we used our engagement tracking tool, IRIS, to provide granular insight into who engaged with the digital event.

We set up a time to present the IRIS dashboard to the MGA. This allowed them to deep dive into the engagement data, filtering by company type, location and level of seniority. This was used to identify some companies and individuals of interest.

Additionally, on one of the regular membership calls we informed the company of our upcoming events. One of these was an event in New York, near where the MGA is based. With several months of notice, the company made sure they had the right internal people available to attend the networking event.


The podcast reached a wide and engaged audience, resulting in a broker reaching out to the company directly. They enjoyed the podcast and entered discussions with the MGA about a distribution partnership.

Following on from the podcast’s release, insights from the IRIS dashboard led to a few warm introductions to potential capacity providers. This resulted in a successful capacity partnership with a Lloyd’s syndicate.

By attending our in-person networking event in New York, the company was able to make a lot of new connections. One of the people they met ended up being hired as their new Head of Insurance.

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