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Roger Ferrandis

COO and Co-founder, Wenalyze

Finding the risk, growing your premium income

One of the fundamentals of Insurance is understanding the nature of the risk. What happens when a bookshop adds in a coffee shop – is that riskier? Has this been communicated to the insurer? Does the premium change to reflect that? Matthew Grant is talking to Roger Ferrandis, COO and Co-founder, Wenalyze about how the company is helping insurers identify significant changes in their portfolio.

Topics include:

  • How a leading insurer increased annual premium income by repricing its clients’ business
  • Building a start-up and surviving two pivots
  • Sources of data around the world
  • Making it easy to integrate into workflows

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Continuing Professional Development – Learning Objectives

InsTech is accredited by The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII). By listening to an InsTech podcast, you can claim up to 0.5 CPD hours towards your CPD scheme.

By the end of this podcast, you should be able to meet the following Learning Objectives:

  • Identify some of the different methods used to increase business premiums
  • Explain how to evaluate the level of risk in insurance
  • Summarise how to effectively use data from a global perspective

Let us know you have listened to this podcast by emailing [email protected] and if your organisation is a member of InsTech you will receive a quarterly summary of the CPD hours you have earned.

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