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Gavin Spencer

Chief Insurance Officer, Parsyl

Insuring perishables – bridging the data divide

Parsyl is an integrated risk management and insurance solution for supply chains in food and health, which underwrites policies globally via its managing general underwriter in the US, its Lloyd’s cover holder and its Lloyd’s syndicate (Syndicate 1796).

Robin Merttens is joined by Gavin Spencer, Chief Insurance Officer at Parsyl, to discuss how the company is able to establish its identity as a data-led insurtech and a Lloyd’s of London consortium. This episode touches on the importance of data in improving underwriting, growth and development of start-up businesses, as well as how traditional marketplaces can cooperate and collaborate with leaders of innovation.

Talking points include:

  • How Parsyl translates Math into English – the power of insights from data
  • The low-hanging fruit model
  • Lloyd’s, consortiums, syndicates and more
  • Data Darwinism

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Continuing Professional Development – Learning Objectives

InsTech is accredited by The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII). By listening to an InsTech podcast, you can claim up to 0.5 CPD hours towards your CPD scheme.

By the end of this podcast, you should be able to meet the following Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the definition of a data-led insurtech
  • Describe the role data plays in business growth
  • Identify the key collaboration techniques to get the most out of your business model

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