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Understanding flood risk – the different modelling approaches

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Thursday, September 21, 2023

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Flooding is the most pervasive and damaging natural hazard throughout the world. Insurers want to understand the risk to accurately price policies, decide which properties fall out of appetite and avoid concentrated aggregates.

Modelling flood is not easy, however. Model outputs can vary widely. In this LiveChat, InsTech’s Ali Smedley was joined by Cory Isaacson, CEO and Co-founder at reThought Insurance, and they explored how these challenges can be tackled.

Rewatch the webinar here to learn more about the benefits of multiple views of risk, the different techniques for combining models and reThought Insurance’s approach to underwriting.


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By the end of this webinar, you should be able to meet the following Learning Objectives:

  • Describe what factors need to be considered when looking to model flood
  • Explain why having multiple views of risk leads to better outcomes
  • Articulate the benefits and challenges of ‘model blending’ and ‘model fusion’ techniques

Please take a minute to fill in this short CPD feedback form and let us know what you thought of this event.