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Is your commercial property portfolio under-insured? How to identify disparities in property value

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Thursday, October 19, 2023

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In 2022, Kroll’s research found that 67% of buildings were underinsured by an average of 64% and 31% of such properties were underinsured by more than 50%.

Commercial under-insurance is endemic and rapid inflation is affecting the replacement cost accuracy. Therefore, it is crucial that companies understand the impact of inflation on their assets and regularly re-evaluate their portfolio to stay properly insured.

Kroll’s Property Insurance Valuation Platform helps insurance companies, brokers, and the insured to uncover insurance opportunities and risks with fast, cost-effective, and trusted valuations on property data, at scale, in seconds.

The platform is driven by high-quality data with global coverage and no-code technology to provide end-to-end property insurance valuation solutions. The algorithm alerts users where the data warrants further investigation and Kroll’s valuation experts follow-up to provide insights and deeper analysis.

We were delighted to have invited you to join our breakfast workshop with Kroll for the launch of its ‘Property Insurance Valuation Platform’ on 18th October.

*This event was for Insurers, MGAs and Brokers only.*