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Insurer Fitness Regime – A Customer, Risk and Data Workout

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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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Those who joined us at our final Evening Event in 2023 on 21 November explored ways to close the gap between what customers expect from insurance and what is being delivered. We got perspectives from brokers, insurers and technology providers.

We also examined where automation and augmentation can improve efficiency, including what can the experience of implementation in general insurance teach the specialty markets. As the specialty markets start to more fully appreciate the benefits of automated syndication, we looked at the blend of technologies that enables smart follow underwriting and end with a discussion about how to provide a great customer experience to digitally savvy customers but still benefit from the full range of efficiencies that technology can provide.

4:30 pm: Registration and Networking Bar

5:00 pm: Welcome from InsTech

5:05 pm: What is the Customer Gap and what are the common causes of it? Chris Payne, Partner, EY

5:10 pm: Customer Gap: The mindset and framework required to close it

5:25 pm: A broker view of the customer gap, Arun Narayanan, Digital Leader, International, Marsh

5:35 pm: An insurer view – how insurers are closing the gap and the issues they face, Alan MacEwan, Director of Operations, esure Group

5:45 pm: Networking Break

6:15 pm: Smart Process Automation – what can the specialty market learn from motor insurers?

6:40 pm: Great leaders need smart followers

6.50 pm – Keeping Fit in the Digital Age: High-Performance Technology

7.00 pm: Shoutouts

7:00 pm: Networking Bar and Pizza

8:00 pm: Finish

This event was free to InsTech members, insurers, risk managers and start-ups (less than two years old). Please email [email protected] for your PROMO Code. If your organisation is a member of InsTech, you can register for our events for free by using your existing account or creating a new account on our website. If you are unsure, please email us.

Evening Event: Insurer Fitness Regime - A Customer, Risk and Data Workout

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
InsTech is accredited by The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII). By attending an InsTech Evening Event, you can claim up to 1.5 CPD hours towards your CPD scheme.

If your organisation is a Corporate Member of InsTech and you would like to start receiving a quarterly summary of the CPD hours you have earned through InsTech, then please let us know by emailing [email protected].

The Learning Objectives for this event were:

  • Describe some of the gaps between customer expectations and the products & services provided in the insurance industry as well as how these gaps might be closed
  • Identify a range of automation and augmentation strategies applicable to the specialty insurance market
  • Explain how to implement automation to achieve an optimal customer experience, serving both digitally savvy and analogue customers, while increasing operational efficiency

Please take a minute to fill in this short feedback form and let us know what you thought of this event.