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The future of insurance fraud investigation

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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

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As technology rapidly improves the ability to detect fraud, we need to remember that the investigator proves the case and makes the saving, yet there are still many manual processes. It’s time to think differently about the investigative process. 

Matthew Grant and Martyn Griffiths, UK Lead at FRISS, invited you to join them for a roundtable discussion on the 24th of May to understand the current trends, opportunities and capabilities that are improving the efficiency, accuracy and productivity of fraud investigators. 

This event began at 3.00 pm with a roundtable discussion and canapes from 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm, followed by drinks in Sushi Samba, next door to Duck and Waffle.

Location: Duck and Waffle (set in the clouds, on the 40th floor with breathtaking views over London), 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY.

This event was for Financial Crime and Fraud Specialists, Investigators and Counter Fraud Managers.