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Discover how data and technology can unlock underwriters’ true potential for profitable pricing

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Thursday, November 16, 2023

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Underwriters are at the heart of insurance. They combine art & science to underwrite profitably in line with their portfolio appetite. Less talked about is the thankless job of pricing risks using antiquated systems, constrained by insufficient data & insight.

The good news? Change is coming. Tools like hx renew are arming underwriters with real-time data to price risks precisely. By harnessing automation, underwriters can focus on high-value analysis.

Those who joined us at this breakfast event took a look at this underwriting transformation. They saw what pricing decision intelligence could do for you and how leading insurers use analytics to empower underwriters, optimize collaboration, and stay ahead of emerging risks.

This event was for insurers and reinsurers only.


hyperexponential has built one of the world’s leading pricing decision intelligence platforms for insurers: hx Renew. It reimagines the flow from data to decision, creating a feedback loop that continuously strengthens insurers’ data assets, insights, decisions and, ultimately, their bottom line.

Some of the most established insurance brands write over £22bn of premiums annually in hx Renew. hyperexponential is backed by Highland Europe, a global leader in software innovation. The company is headquartered in London, with an office in Warsaw.