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Breakfast Event: Real-time exposure management for underwriters – take control of your portfolio

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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Exposure management is a complex and specialist task that, for most insurers, happens quarterly at best and typically for risks already on cover, where risk mitigation options can be very costly.

Addresscloud launched its global ‘Risk’ platform, which provides underwriters, portfolio managers and senior executives with a real-time view of exposure used at the point of underwriting to avoid expensive accumulation issues before they happen.

Addresscloud Risk integrates into any Policy Admin system or Underwriting Workbench to provide a view of exposure by location, perils, events and by Addresscloud’s new global building database.

InsTech was delighted to support Addresscloud with its new global ‘Risk’ tool launch. We explored this platform at our breakfast workshop on 12th September.  

*This event was for Insurers, MGAs and Brokers only.*