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Overcoming data overload: the tools underwriters need to get the job done

As an underwriter, how do you select the right tools to get the job done? Join us and leading insurance experts for an on-demand webinar to find out.

About the webinar

Whether in the US, the UK or anywhere in the world underwriters are overwhelmed by information and undermined by fragmented systems and processes. Too much time is spent on manually reviewing submissions that are hard to price accurately.

Systems and workflows that enable rapid, accurate decisions are key to growing premiums and underwriting more profitably.

We’re exploring best practices from leading underwriters. Wherever you are in the world – how do you select the right tools to get the job done?

Join us and guests as we discuss what insurers are doing to:

  • Reduce time spent on admin and more time on risks that are in appetite
  • Win more business by returning quotes to brokers quicker
  • Identify and analyse the data you need to price risk accurately
  • How different tools can fit together to help you make decisions in half the time

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