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Instech London Recruitment

Instech London Recruitment

The partners of Instech London are frequently asked by our members for help in recruiting for roles in insurance and technology companies servicing insurers. It is also common for members to let us know when they are looking for new roles.

During the latter part of 2018 we informally launched our recruitment service and were successful in placing a number of people in new roles. Building on this success we have now scaled up our recruitment capabilities by partnering with Redimeer to assist our members with recruitment needs.

Redimeer is a specialist recruitment company, focusing on technology and financial services in London.   Redimeer works on behalf of organisations to address their recruitment challenges. A boutique consultancy, with infrastructure and depth of experience ensures fast, accurate solutions for businesses from start-ups, SMEs to globally-recognised brands – at a price lower than traditional recruiters.

Redimeer offers a wide range of recruitment services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. They partner with their clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions. Recruitment options include permanent, interim and retained executive search. They cover roles from entry level, up to board level, across technology, finance, operations, sales and other corporate disciplines.

We value Redeemer because they bring the following characteristics to the process:

  1. Honesty in the process
  2. Fast responses
  3. Proactive recruitment activity 
  4. Meaningful interviews and quality feedback
  5. Treating everyone with respect
  6. Client and candidate recommendations
  7. Confidentiality 

To discuss your personal or company needs please contact Redimeer at [email protected] and a member of the team will get in contact with you.





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