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Expanding reach and growing market share


A large global corporation offers data and analytics to insurance companies. Although it is a widely recognised brand, its data and analytics offering to insurers, which is part of a strategic growth initiative, is not well known.


The company wanted to increase awareness of these solutions and connect with new leads. It built an InsTech corporate membership package that included sponsorship of a live evening event in London.

InsTech promoted the event through LinkedIn, newsletters and direct outreach to relevant people at insurance companies. It was well attended by insurers. Through on-stage interviews, the company presented its new solutions, bringing clients on stage to validate them. The company’s senior employees and business development team spoke with many insurance and technology companies at the event. They also attended other InsTech events to network throughout the year.

We also published an interview article with one of the company’s executives as part of the membership. The interview showcased a new area that the company has expanded into. It explained the problem it is solving for insurers and what data it is using to solve it, as well as providing some commentary on a current theme of interest in the insurance industry.


The company now has new insurance clients from those who attended the event and heard about its solutions.

Some of its existing insurance clients read the themed interview article and reached out to their contacts at the company to expand their commercial relationship to new areas of its business.

Networking with technology companies at InsTech events throughout the membership has allowed the organisation to grow its ecosystem through partnerships.

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