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Property Intelligence: the where and what

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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

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To support the launch of the report, Property Intelligence – the where and what: 50+ companies to know’ hereInsTech’s Matthew Grant and Ali Smedley hosted a Live Chat to discuss the findings with guest speakers from companies featured in the report. They covered the different ways location and property attribute information is being accessed, the new data sources being found from places traditionally outside of insurance and what has changed since our first location intelligence report in 2021.

Matthew Grant and Ali Smedley reviewed the latest trends and technologies in acquiring information for geocoding, building characteristics and rebuild values with:

  • Mark Varley, CEO, Addresscloud
  • Stu Cox, Senior Product Manager, Arturo
  • Todd Rissel, CEO and Chairman, e2Value

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

InsTech is accredited by The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII). By attending an InsTech Digital event, you can claim up to 0.5 CPD hours towards your CPD scheme.

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The Learning Objectives for this event were:

  • Describe some of the different ways property attribute information is being accessed
  • Identify new property data sources from places traditionally outside of insurance
  • Summarise how the property data market has evolved in recent years

Please take a minute to fill in this short CPD feedback form and let us know what you thought of this event.