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Insurtech For A Digital London Market

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Monday, June 25, 2018

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InsTech London worked with the Lloyd’s Market Association (the LMA) to showcase a range of emerging InsurTech businesses that have the ability to influence the way Lloyd’s and the London insurance works in the future.

As a preview to the report we subsequently produced with Oxbow Partners. We invited  8 companies with propositions, and live products  relevant to the commercial and specialty markets in which Lloyd’s specialises to come and show us what they do and tell us how it will benefit the London market.

We took a break from our usual stand up and talk format, we allowed our presenters a bit more time and the chance to demonstrate their applications. Speakers included Tom Payne from the LMA and Trevor Maynard from Lloyd’sFlock, Cytora, Mckenzie Intelligence, WhatThreeWords, Whitespace, Concirrus, Shift Technology and Chain That.

Catch them all on our video highlights below