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E-Trading Platforms: Challenges, Opportunities and Imperative

Our latest report is out now. Get InsTech London’s comprehensive view on the future of e-trading of reinsurance and complex risks.

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Nearly 20 years after early e-trading initiatives proved to be a false dawn for insurance, interest in the platforms space has been firmly reignited.

Covid-19’s dramatic effect on working patterns and the publication of Lloyd’s Blueprint Two have pushed the need for e-trading platforms back up the agenda. But is history doomed to repeat itself or can the industry finally seize the opportunities on offer?

InsTech London’s new report, E-Trading Platforms: Challenges, Opportunities and Imperative, examines what we can learn from the industry’s past attempts, how current platforms align with the needs of speciality (re)insurers, and the role Lloyd’s and brokers have to play going forward.

A new cohort of entrepreneurs, galvanised by better technology and lower barriers to entry, has also emerged in recent years. Our report includes a comprehensive look at the companies that are leading a new generation of e-trading propositions.

InsTech London Partner, and report author, Robin Merttens said: “Blueprint Two has changed the landscape and there’s more momentum and enthusiasm in the space than there’s been for a long time. We won’t get a better chance to push this over the line than we have right now. Partly because of Covid-19, partly because there’s good technology out there and partly because the industry really needs it.”

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